Opinion Newsletters

Are you really protected?
I have been sealing natural stone for over 30 years and after testing and trying dozens of sealers, I wonder, is your stone really protected? I want to show you why it may or may not be protected. I found clear parallels between deciding on stone sealer protection and vaccine protection. You gotta read this.

Can you believe some have cancelled concerts, sports events, weddings, travel, funerals and now Family Traditions! Don't cancel your Holiday Traditions instead, Plan, Prepare and Party! We want to help you stay safe and sanitized during the holidays with our professional services. But first, we need to shed some light on the 'intellectual viruses". Thanks for reading our newsletter during this unbalanced time.

You know the saying, "When you point your finger at someone, there are 3 pointing back at you." Why is it that we find it so easy to blame others for the problems we face and then use poor communicative skills to address it? I hope we get a grip on this soon because evidently there is an ammunition shortage in the US!

I may seem hypocritical because we are offering Covid Disinfecting and Sanitization for a virus that (I believe) is not so deadly. Read this Newsletter and discover why I think there is some bad math going on from the experts.

Have you found yourself not knowing what day of the week it is? Our routines are so upside down because of this Corona Virus Stay Vaca, I phase out sometimes not sure what the heck I’m doing. I’m not completely lost, it’s just that I find myself sitting around at home feeling like Bill Murray in the movie, 'Ground Hog Day'. Kerri and I truly are running out of new things to talk about. When that happens we just start picking on our Governor. What we keep asking ourselves is....”Is it time?”

A lot has happened since the last newsletter. So many events took place I would not have enough space to write it all down. I have a question for you.

I'm fully aware that any evidence or comments I put forward, there are a hundred others that can debunk it. Why? Not because I'm right but because the truth is always at war and the enemy is a Lie masquerading for its own gain. I still have to make decisions everyday that I think are best for my marriage, my family, my employees and then others... and in that order.